Chamber Member Benefits
Here are some of the many benefits offered by the Chamber:
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New Contacts/Referrals
The Chamber provides numerous opportunities for members to increase their contact base and have fun doing it through various meetings, networking events and committees. In addition the Chamber makes hundreds of referrals to member companies every month.
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Voice in Legislation
An extremely active Governmental Affairs Council monitors legislation affecting business and takes action to protect business interests.
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Office Depot Program
As a benefit of membership, Chamber members can receive incredible savings on office supplies, furniture, technology products, even specialty and promotional items! Begin streamlining order and delivery processes, monitoring your expenses with monthly reports, and saving today! Click Here to Signup for the Program!
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Constant Contact
Members can connect with their customers and receive up to 25% off with an exclusive Chamber member discount. Click here to for more details about the program and to sign up.
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UCR Extension Course Discount
The Chamber is partnering with UCR Extension to help members, businesses, and their employees invest in a vibrant workforce by offering a 10% discount on a majority of programs. Visit the website, follow the steps, and use code GRCC18 at checkout.
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Marketing/Advertising Opportunities
Through the various publications, the Chamber’s website, and event sponsorships, members are given the opportunity to increase name recognition. Click here to view the current opportunities.
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Chamber Member Discount Program
This discount program is designed to grow a stronger local economy by giving members the opportunity to advertise a discount available from their business. Click here to sign up for the program!
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FREE Publications
Annually, members obtain a FREE directory/destination guide, annual report, legislative guide, and city map.
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Mailing Labels
The Chamber offers mailing labels for members to purchase. The price for a complete listing of the entire membership is $100 (plus tax) or $20 (plus tax) for VIP or Division labels. Click here to purchase.
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Certificates of Origin and Notary Services
Members have access to Certificates of Origin for only $25 for members ($75 non-members) and Notary Service for only $10 through the Chamber office. Please call for an appointment.
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Discounted Boardroom Rental
The Chamber's boardroom (accommodates 50) and small conference room (accommodates 10) are available for meetings, seminars, and presentations at a very low cost to our members.
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Confidential business counseling
Onsite appointment with SCORE counselors at no-charge. These successful executives represent over 300 years of experience in all areas of business.
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FREE Web Listing and FREE Link to Member's Web Site
Members receive a FREE listing on the Chamber's web site and a FREE link to the Member's site. Click here to view.
For information on any of the benefits of membership, please contact the Chamber at 951-683-7100.
Feb 13
Good Morning Riverside
7:00 AM @ The Historic Mission Inn Hotel & Spa - 3649 Mission Inn Ave.
For more information, contact Mary Megan MacGregor at
Feb 18
INSIDE Hunter Park
7:30 AM @ Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Inland Empire - 2155 Chicago Ave. Suite #100
For more information, contact Liam Walgenbach at
Feb 19
Business In Action
7:15 AM @ Chamber's Bourns Boardroom - 3985 University Ave.
For more information, contact Shellena Padilla at
Feb 25
Economic Development Council
7:30 AM @ Chamber's Bourns Boardroom - 3985 University Ave.
For more information, contact Liam Walgenbach at
Feb 27
Riverside Job Fair
4:30 PM @ Galleria at Tyler - 1299 Galleria at Tyler
For more information, contact Ramy Shbaita at